Joseph Cary Psychic Foundation

Joseph Carey Psychic Foundation


Hypnotherapy Booking

Contrary to what you might think, hypnotherapy does not require you to be in a state of deep sleep, or involve trance-like conditions. Actually, you the patient are in an enhanced state of awareness, concentrating entirely on my voice. In this state, your conscious mind is suppressed and the subconscious mind revealed.

I am then able to suggest ideas, concepts and lifestyle adaptations to overcome the difficulties you want help for, the seeds of which become firmly planted.

How does it work?

Hypnotherapy works by altering our state of consciousness in such a way that the analytical left-hand side of the brain is turned off, while the non-analytical right-hand side is made more alert. The conscious control of the mind is inhibited, and the subconscious mind awoken. Since the subconscious mind is a deeper-seated, more instinctive force than the conscious mind, this is the part which has to change for your behaviour and physical state to alter. For example, a patient who consciously wants to overcome their fear of spiders may try everything they consciously can to do it, but will still fail as long as their subconscious mind retains this terror and prevents the patient from succeeding. Progress can only be made by reprogramming the subconscious so that deep-seated instincts and beliefs are abolished or altered.

What form might the treatment take?

Relax! The techniques I use do not require you to lose consciousness or be made to do anything you would not ordinarily do. You will remain fully aware of surroundings and situation, and remain in control of yourself throughout the session. The important thing is that you WANT to change some behavioural habit or addiction and are highly motivated to do so.

The readiness and ability of patients to be influenced by hypnotherapy techniques varies considerably and generally more than one session is required to achieve meaningful results. However, I can provide guidance on self-help, which can be practiced at home, to reinforce the usefulness of our formal sessions. This can help counter distress and anxiety-related conditions.

What problems can be treated by hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy can be applied to many psychological, emotional and physical disorders. It is used to relieve pain in surgery and dentistry and has proved to be of benefit in obstetrics. It can shorten the delivery stage of labour and reduce the need for painkillers. It can ease the suffering of the disabled and those facing terminal illness, and it has been shown to help people to overcome addictions such as smoking and alcoholism, and to help with bulimia. Children are generally easy to hypnotise and can be helped with nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) and chronic asthma, whilst teenagers can conquer stammering or blushing problems which can otherwise make their lives miserable.


Phobias of all kinds lend themselves well to hypnotherapy, and anyone suffering from panic attacks or obsessional compulsive behaviour, and stress-related problems like insomnia, may benefit. Conditions exacerbated by tension, such as irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis and eczema, and excessive sweating all respond well, and even tinnitus and clicky jaws (tempero-mandibular joint dysfunction) can be treated by these techniques.


As I often pick up information about past lives when giving psychic readings I have taken it one step further and with my skills as a Hypnotherapist, in a very relaxed situation, I can take you back to explore a past life, or past lives.

Pam Ashenden

Pam Ashenden

Book a Reading

Private Psychometry reading appointments last approximately 40 minutes to one hour and are held in readers home. Psychometry readings provide guidance on material matters and advise influences that can influence your future well being.

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